KHUHI BHAI LALO JI, GURUDWARA Gurdwara Khuhi Bhai Lalo Ji: Bhai Lab was a carpenter living at Eminabad. Guru Nanak Dev stayed with him on several occasions. Bhai Lalo\'s house became a dharmsal, meeting place for local followers of the Guru, and was later developed into Gurdwara which was named
RORI SAHIB GURUDWARA, EMINABAD Eminabad, an old town 15 kilometres south of Gujrariwala, is linked to Grand Trunk Road and Eminabad railway station by four-kilometres stretch of metalled road. It has three historical shrines Gurudwara Rori Sahib, half-a-kilometre northwest of the town, marks the place where once Guru Nanak Dev,
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