ADIT, a professional soldier of Soini clan, came to take refuge at the feet of Guru Arjan. He...
DHARAMSALA or dharamsala from Sanskrit dharmasala, lit. court of justice, tribunal, charitable asylum, religious asylum, stands in Punjabi for a place of worship or the village hospice. Dharamsala as a Sikh institution is the precursor of gurdwara (q.v.). According to janam sakhis, accounts of the life of Guru Nanak (1469-1539). the Guru wherever he went, enjoined his followers to build or set apart a place where they should meet regularly to sing praises of the Lord and to discuss matters of common concern. These places came to be called dharamsalas and the congregations assembling therein became sangats. Dharamsalas grew up in far flung places in the wake of Guru Nanak\'s extensive travels.
HEM KUNT SAHIB, GURDWARA SRI, lit. Receptacle of Ice, situated in the Himalayas at a height of about 15,210 feet above sea level and located in Chamoli district of Uttar Pradesh, is dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh in his autobiographical work, Bachitra Ndtak, has said that before his birth he had been meditating on the Maha Kal (God) at a place which he described as "Hemkunt Parvat adorned with seven peaks where earlier the king Panduraj (a character in the epic Mahdbhdratd) had practised austerities."
RUKN UDDIN. QAZI or QADI (Rukan Din of the Janam Sakhis), supposed to be a shrine caretaker, chanced to meet Guru Nanak during his visit to Mecca. The Purdtan Janam Sdkht narrates the story: "It had been inscribed in books beforehand that Nanak, a dervish, would come. Then water would rise in the wells of Mecca. The Guru entered the holy precincts. He lay down in the colonnade to rest.
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