KAPURGARH. village 16 km from Arnloh (30°36`N, 76"14`E), in Fatehgarh Sahib district, has a shrine called Gurdwara Dcra Baba Nattha Singh. Baba Natlha Singh (or Natha Singh) after whom the Gurdwara is named, was a Niharig Jathcdar during the early nineteenth century, highly respected by the rulers ofPatiala and Nabha. His derd or dwelling place, built in the form of a fortress on top of a mound, is now in a dilapidated condition. The Gurdwara, about 25 metres away from the derd, was built later. The derd as well as the Gurdwara is now in the possession of the Shiromam Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee who have appointed a managercum^mn
KALMOT (also called Khera Kalmot), village 18 km northwest of Anandpur (31°14`N, ^G^l`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, was in 1700 the scene of a clash between the Sikhs and the local GujjarRarighars who challenged Guru Gobind Sihgh while out on a chase. The Sikhs defeated the Rarighars and occupied the fortress. The Rarighars tried to seize the fortress by night but were repulsed. The fortress is no longer in existence. The shrine established on the site on top of a hillock west of the village was reconstructed in 1975. The twostoreyed building of Gurdwara Patshahi Dasviri, as it is called, has on the ground level a mosaicfloored hall with a verandah in front. The Gurdwara is maintained by the local sangat.
GHANAULA, an old village 10 km north of Ropar (30°58`N, 76°3rE) in the Punjab, used to be the headquarters of a parganuh in Mughal times. It claims a historical shrine which commemorates the visit of Guru Gobind Singh in 1688 while he was returning from Paonta to Anandpur. He again passed through Ghanaula on 6 December 1705 while proceeding to Kotia Niharig Khan en route to Chamkaur. The Gurdwara, a modestlooking singleroom structure on the top of a mound near an old fortress, is looked after by the village sangat.
JINWADA, pronounced Jinvara, 11 km from Bidar (17"55`N, 77"32T.) in Karnataka is situated along the road connecting Bidar to BarauliAuradh, a Talluqa headquarters in Bidar district. Gurdwara Tap Asthan Mai Bhago at Jinwada honours the memory of Mai Bhago, revered as a saint, who fought in the battle of Muktsar. From Muktsar onwards, she constantly remained in the train of Guru Gobind Singh s followers and travelled with them to the Dcccan. After the Guru`s passing away at Nandcd, MaT Bhago retired further south.
RAM RAUNI, later known as Ramgarh Fort, was a small mud fortress built in April 1748 near Ramsar, in Amritsar, to provide shelter to scattered Sikh jathas, in Mughal Punjab. Sikh sardars, along with their bands, assembled at Amritsar on the Baisakhi day of 1748 and set to building a raum or enclosure. According to Ratan Singh Bhangu, Prachin Panth Prakdsh, the Sikhs themselves were the masons and carpenters. The structure consisted of an enclosure of mudwalls, with rudimentary watch towers, and a hastily constructed moat around it.
SANGAT SINGH (d. 1705), one of the forty Sikhs who were besieged with Guru Gobind Singh in an improvised fortress at Chamkaur, bore a close resemblance to the Guru in physical appearance. Both Kuir Singh and Sukkha Singh in their poetical biographies of Guru Gobind Singh refer to him as Sangat Singh Bangesar from which it appears that Sangat Singh was either a native of Bang (Bengal) or came from Bangash region (Kurram valley) on the northwest frontier of India.