DAROGA, from Persian daroghah, lit. “head man of an office, prefect of a town or village, overseer, or...
NAUJAVAN BHARAT SABHA, association of the Indian youth, was established at a convention held on 1113 April 1928 at Jallianvala Bagh in Amritsar at the instance of the management of the radical journal Kirti, including men like Sohan Singh Josh and Bhag Singh Canadian. Like the Kirti Kisan Sabha it aimed at creating a youth wing of peasants and workers with a view to ushering in revolution in the country and overthrowing British imperial rule. Another organization with the same name already existed in Lahore involving mainly the collegians of the city. The Sabha had been active between March 1926 and April 1927, but this was a secret network not known to many outside of Punjab capital.
TOSHAKHANA, from Persian toshakhanah (toshah = food or provisions for journey or food articles in general+ khana = house, store) or tosha khana (toshak = bedding, clothing + khana) means in Punjabi a treasury or secured storehouse for valuables. It is now generally used for the storehouse in the Darbar Sahib complex at Amritsar where costly items presented as offerings at the Harimandar, the Akal Takht and the shrine of Baba Atal accumulated over the centuries, mostly during the Sikh rule in the Punjab, are normally kept under tight security. They are taken out for jalau or display in the shrines on special occasions such as major festivals or anniversaries.