KURU-KSHETRA, KURU-CHHETRA (KULKHET, KULCHHET) If he goes to Kulkhet (Kurukshetra) at the time of the eclipse, and offers his bedecked wife, if he listens to all the Smritis with his ears, all these are of no avail if he indulges in calumny. (Gond Ravidas, p. 875) At first he
BABHIKHAN (VIBHISHANA) (The Gurmukh) Rama killed the egoist Ravana, the knowledge given by the Guru was like the secrets told by Vibhishana. (Ramkali M. l, Siddh Goshta, p. 942) The Lord bestowed kingship on Babhikhan (Vibhishana) for a long time. (Maru Namdev, p.105) Vibhishana was the younger brother of
KAMALA PUTA Brahma, born of lotus (the son of Lotus) and Vyasa, bom of fish, performed austerities and became adorable. (Kanra M. 4, p. 1309) Brahma was born in the navel-lotus of Vishnu, therefore he is called the son of Lotus. In order to know the Lord, he travelled
BASISTA (VASISHTHA) The enlightened sage (Gurmukh) Basista, delivered the sermon about God (Hari). (Wadhans Ki Var M. 4, p. 591) Vasishtha is one of the most famous Indian sages. He was the author of several hymns of Rig Veda. In one of the hymns of the Rig Veda, he
The (Kairaus) Kauravas who had brothers like Durjodhana and uttered "everything is ours"; their canopy was spread over twelve yojanas (over 48 miles) but (in the battlefield) their bodies were eaten by vultures. (Dhanasari Namdev, pp. 692-93) The Kairaus or Kauravas were the sons of the king Dhritarashtra and