LANE, STEPHEN, an American, who served for some years in Scindia`s army rising lo the rank of lieutenant. Hejoined Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s army in 1834, and was entrusted with the command of a battalion. Being an habitual drunkard, he was dismissed from service after about 18 months and deported
FARRIS (d. 1842), a Frenchman, who joined the Sikh army in 1841 and was employed in the gunpowder factory. He died at Lahore within one year of his appointment.
FRANCIS, a French adventurer, who arrived at Lahore in 1833 and joined Maharaja Ranjit Singli`s army. But he had no military training, and was discharged from the service soon afterwards.
MARTINDALE, an AngloIndian who is mentioned by Alexander Gardner in his Ranjit Singh and His White Officers as being in the infantry service of the Sikhs. He was the son of General Martindale, an officer who figured prominently in the Gurkhawar of 1814, his mother being Indian. Prior to
METUI, a Russian soldier of fortune, described to be a captain in one of the regiments of the Sikh army in 1841 on a monthly salary of Rs 300. According to one account, he had married a Kashmiri woman and had a daughter by her and was a resident
FITZROY, JOHN, an Englishman in the employ of the East Indian Company. In 1835, became to Lahore and entered the service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He did not stay long and took his dismissal the following year.
PRICE, JAMES, an Englishman who deserting the British camp at Ludhiana in early 1809. came to Lahore and joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s army on a salary of Rs 300 per month. He served under Diwan Muhkam Chand. The British demanded his extradition which was denied. However, he did not
GILLMORE, an English deserter from British army who came to Lahore in 1833 and entered the Sikh service. He attained the rank of colonel and commanded a regiment. He married a Kashmir! Muslim woman and had children by her. He died of cholera at Lahore and was buried in