BIRBABABUDDHAJI, GURDWARA, in the revenue limits of the village of Thatta, 20 km south of Amritsar, commemorates Baba Buddha (1506-1631), the venerable Sikh of the time of Guru Nanak who lived long enough to anoint five succeeding Gurus. He spent many years looking after the bir, lit. a reserved forest used for cattlegrazing, said to have been offered to Guru Arjan by Chaudhari Langah of Patti out of his private lands. According to Gurbilas Chhevin Patshahi it was here that Mata Ganga, the consort of Guru Arjan, received from him on 21 Assu 1651 Bk/20 September 1594, the blessing for an illustrious son, the future Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI.
BIR MRIGESH, full title SRI BIR MRIGESH GURBILAS DEV TARU, is a voluminous nineteenth century work by Bhai Sher Singh, a disciple of Baba Khuda Singh (1786-1861), who completed it in 1911. In bold Gurmukhi typography, the book runs to 1912 pages, divided into two parts comprising 847 and 1065 pages, respectively. It contains accounts, in ample detail, of the lives of Baba Sahib Singh Bedi, Baba Bhag Singh of Kuri, Baba Bir Singh of Naurangabad and Baba Khuda Singh. The author refers to these luminaries as guru and calls his book gurbilas (biography of the Gurus).
SUNDAR SHAH (d. 1640), a Muslim saint of Devnagar, probably the present day Deogaori in Azamgarh district of Uttar Pradesh, is remembered in Sikh tradition for his admiration for Bhai Bidhi Chand, a prominent Sikh of the time of Guru Hargobind. Bhai Bidhi Chand was preaching in the eastern parts when Sundar Shah had the chance of meeting him. They became attached to each other and, before Bhai Bidhi Chand left, Sundar Shah made him promise that he would return and spend his last days with him.