
ADALI, BHAI, of Chohla. village in present day Amritsar district of the Punjab, was a devoted Sikh contemporary...

AJAB, BHAI, a Jatt of Sangha clan who lived in the village of Darauli, now called Darauli Bhai, in Faridkot; district of the Punjab. He, like his brothers Umar Shah and Ajaib, forsook his faith in Sultan Sakhi Sarwar, became a Sikh and rendered devoted service at the time of the construction of the Harimandar at Amritsar. The three brothers were appointed masands, or parish leaders, in the areas of Moga, Zira and Dharamkot. They often used to quote Guru Arjan`s line: " If God so wills, He may keep one alive even after breath had departed the body." They were especially gratified once to have the line expounded by the Guru himself.

AKALI MOVEMENT, variously known as Gurdwara Reform Movement or Gurdwara Agitation is how Sikh\'s long drawn campaign in the early twenties of the twentieth century for the liberation of their gurdwaras or holy shrines is described. The campaign which elicited enthusiastic support, especially, from the rural masses, took the form of a peaceful agitation marches, divans or religious gatherings, and demonstrations for Sikhs to assert their right to manage their places of worship.

ALIM, a Muslim poet, enjoyed the patronage of Guru Gobind Singh. Formerly in the employ of Prince Mu\'azzam (later Emperor Bahadur Shah), he probably came to Guru Gobind Singh sometime during the period 1687-94 when the prince, having fallen from the favour of his father, Aurangzib, was under internment. Only a single stanza of Alam in Hindi, in Gurmukhi script, survives in which he celebrates the bounty of his master, Guru Gobind Singh.

AMRITDHARI (amrit, lit. nectar, commonly Sikh sanctified initiatory water + dhan= practitioner) is one who has received baptismal vows of the Khalsa initiated by Guru Gobind Singh (30 March 1699) and abides by them and by the panj kakari rahit, distinctive insignia introduced by the Guru on that day comprising five symbols each beginning with the Gurmukhi letter " oT" (pronounced "kakka") or its Roman equivalent "k". These are kes (long unshorn hair and beard), kangha (a comb to keep the hair tidy), Jenpan (a sword), kara ( a steel bracelet worn about the wrist), and kachh (short breeches worn by soldiers). See PAHUL

ANI RAI, BABA (b.1618), son of Guru Hargobind, was, according to Gurbilas Chhevin Patshahi, born to Mata Nanaki at Amritsar on 16 Maghar 1675 Bk/14 November 1618. The first to arrive to see the child`s face was grandmother, Mata Ganga, and she was the most rejoiced of all the family. Guru Hargobind, to quote the Gurbilas again, gave him the name Ani Rai (am` , Skt. anik = troops, army; rai = raja or chief), Lord of Armies. As he grew up, Ani Rai remained absorbed within himself most of the time.

AURANGABAD, (19° 54`N, 75° 20`E) is a district town in Maharashtra. It is a railway station on the ManmadKachiguda section of the South Central Railway, 114 km from Manmad towards Nanded. The site was once the capital of the Yadavas ofDevgiri or Deogir in the 12th and 13th centuries; Aurangzib established his headquarters here when he was appointed governor of the four Deccan provinces in AD 1636. When as emperor he came to the Deccan in 1681 (never to return to the north again), he first stayed at Aurangabad, later shifting to Ahmadnagar.

AGAMPURA – A Gurdwara in the outskirts of the village Balachaur, about eleven km from Jagadhari railway station...

BABA BAKALA (31°34`N, 75°16`E), a small town in Amritsar district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Hargobind and Guru Tegh Bahadur. The original name of the place was Bakala. As Guru Har Krishan lay on his deathbed in Delhi, he was asked by the sangat to name his successor. All that the Guru could say at that time was \'Baba Bakale\' meaning that (Guru) Tegh Bahadur, who was the brother of his (Guru Har Krishan\'s) grandfather (baba) and who was living at Bakala, was to be the next Guru. Bakala, thereafter, came to be called Baba Bakala.

BAHIRVAL, village in Chuniari tahsil (subdivision) of Lahore district of Pakistan, is sacred to Guru Arjan( 1563-1606), who once visited it during his travels in these parts. According to tradition, as the Guru arrived here from Jambar in the north, he met a poor peasant, Hema, at a well just outside the village and asked him for water to drink. Bhai Hema said, "The water of this well is brackish and not fit to drink. But I shall run to the village and fetch sweet water for you." "No, brother," said the Guru, "You should not take the trouble.


In 1595, Guru Arjan Dev (1563-1606) the Fifth Sikh Prophet with some of his followers visited the village...

4 years Ago

AARTI: The word Aarati is a combination of two words Aa (without) + raatri (night), According to popular...

4 years Ago

AATMA: Aatma (self) is the element (part, fraction) of Paramaatma (Supreme Soul) in human being. Hence Aatma and...


TUZUKIJAHANGlRI is one of the several titles under which autobiographical writing of the Mughal Emperor, Jahangir (160527), is available, the common and generally accepted ones being TuzukiJahangin, Waqi`atiJahangm, and Jahangir Namah. The TuzukiJahangni based on the edited text of Sir Sayyid Alimad Khan of `Aligarh is embodied in two volumes translated by Alexander Rogers, revised, collated and corrected by Henry Beveridge with the help of several manuscripts from the India Office Library, British Library, Royal Asiatic Society and other sources. The first volume covers the first twelve years, while the second deals with the thirteenth to the nineteenth year of the reign. The material pertaining to the first twelve of the twentytwo regnal years, written by the Emperor in his own han

The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.