Nankayan (Life of Nanak) by Mohan Singh \'Mahir\' is commissioned work written at the behest of Punjabi University to mark the 500th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. Professor \'Mahir\' earned this distinction after he wrote Nankayan (Nankayan). He has yet another distinction of ushering in what has come to be known as modernism in Punjabi poetry. The epic tells the story of the founder of Sikhism based on several medieval sources like Puratan Janam Sakhi, Meharban di Janam Sakhi, the first var of Bhai Gurdas and others.
PAKKA KALAN, village 24 km south of Bathinda (30° 14`N, 74° 59`E), is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who broke journey here on his way from Jassi to Talvandi Sabo in 1706. The original shrine to the southeast of the village together with its landed properly passed into private possession subsequent to the Gurdwara enactment of 1925. A new gurdwara, named Gurdwara Jand Sahib Patshahi 10, constructed after the partition of the country in 1947, is located in the northern part of the village near an old jand (Prosopis specigerd) tree which is believed to have sprouted from a peg to which Guru Gobind Singh`s horse had been fastened. It comprises a hall, with the 4 metre square sanctum at the far end. The shrine is affiliated to the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and is managed by a local committee.
PAONTA SAHIB (30° 25`N, 77° 35`E). a town on the right bank of the River Yamuna in Sirmur district of Himachal Pradesh, was founded by Guru Gobind Singh in November 1685. The land was an offering from Raja Mcdini Prakash of Nahan. Guru Gobind Singh stayed here for about three years. This was a period filled with literary creation. In the calm of Paonta, Guru Gobind Singh composed poetry of spiritual as well as of martial tenor, and the fifty two poets and writers he kept in his employ produced a vast treasure of literature by their compositions and by the translations they had made from ancient Indian classics.
PATSHAHI CHHEVIN LAHORE, GURUDWARA This place, that was hallowed by the holy touch of the feet of the Sixth Guru Hargobind Sahib, is situated inside Bhatti Darwaza in the Chumalah Muhalla. The Guru accepted the request of the Lahore Sangat and stayed for three days at the house of Bhai Jiwan, a devotee. Bhai Jiwan, out of sheer joy of having the Guru as a house-guest, converted the place into a Gurdwara, after the holy visit. When Bhai Bidhi Chand went to Lahore twice to rescue the horses, that were siezed by the rulers, he stayed there. The sangat rendered to this holy shrine.
RAI BULAR, a Muhammadan noble of the Bhatti clan, was during the latter half of the fifteenth century the chief of Talvandi Rai Bhoi, the village where Guru Nanak was born in 1469. Rai Bular had great affection for young Guru Nanak and held him in high esteem. According to Janam Sakhi accounts, Rai Bular perceived the Divine in Guru Nanak and became a devotee. Once young Nanak was arraigned before him for having allowed the cattle herd he was tending to damage a farmer`s crop.