KUKAS or NAMDHARIS, the name given to the members of a sectarian group that arose among the Sikhs towards the close of the nineteenth century. Kuk, in Punjabi, means a scream or shout. While chanting the sacred hymns at their religious congregations, the adherents of the new order broke into ecstatic cries which led to their being called Kukas. The other term Namdharis, also used for them, means devotees of nam, i.e. those attached to God`s Name. The sect had its origin it the movement of reform intimations of which first became audible in the northwest corner of the Sikh kingdom of Lahore.
MANURE, village in Ludhiana district, 13 km south of Jagraon (30°47`N, 75°28`E) is celebrated for its Gurdwara Patshahi Dasviri. Guru Gobind Singh, travelling from LammariJatpura towards DinaKarigar in December 1705, made a brief halt here under a pipal tree which still exists at the back of the Gurdwara. The present gurdwara building grew around a Manji Sahib, a small domed room, constructed in 1923. A rectangular hall and a verandah on three sides of it, with a vaulted roof, were added later. An imposing new doublestoreyed building as the gateway to the gurdwara has been recently constructed. The gurdwara is managed by a village committee.