JARG, village 19 km southwest of Khanna `(30°42`N, 76°13`E) in Ludhiana district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Hargobindpura Sahib, dedicated to Guru Hargobind, who, according to local tradition, made a brief halt here in a grove, about 400 metres southwest of the village. This grove lay along an old cart track wliich connected Rauni to Jandali but the track is no longer in existence. The place is now approached by JargSirthala link road.
JHANDA, BHAI, of the village of Dalla, now in Kapurthala district of the Punjab, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Amar Das. He was among those who waited on the Guru when he visited Dalla. Among the visitors was also a learned Pandit. He undertook to serve the Sikhs by reciting to them the holy texts and ask for nothing in return. The Guru ended the assembly by adjuring the Sikhs faithfully to observe the Gurus` festivals. See Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Mani Singh, Bhai, Siklun`i di Bfiagnt Maid.
KAIRON (31°19`N, 74°52`E), village in Amritsar district of the Punjab, has a historical shrine, Gurdwara Jhar Sahib, sacred to Guru Arjan (1563-1606). Located half a kilometre west of the village, it marks the site where the Guru, during one of his journeys through the Majha country, stayed for a short time. The karir tree {Capparis aphylla) to which, according to local tradition, the Guru`s horse was tethered was still standing until 1976 when it got uprooted in the construction work undertaken to renovate the building originally raised in 1925.
KIRTAN (from Skt. kirii, i.e. to praise, celebrate or glorify), a commonly accepted mode of rendering devotion to God by singing His praises, is a necessary part of Sikh worship. Music plays a significant role in most religious traditions. In Sikhism it is valued as the highest form of expression of adoration and counts as the most efficacious means of linking the soul to the Divine Essence. Kirtan in the Indian tradition can be traced back to the Vedic chant in the second millennium B.C., the impulse behind it being the realization of the effect on the individual of joining the sound of music to the religious text.