AGRA (27°10\'N, 78°\'E), became the seat of a Sikh sangat following a visit by Guru Nanak during the first of his four long preaching journeys. Later, Guru Ram Das, in his early career as Bhai Jetha, was in Agra when he attended Akbar\'s court on behalf of Guru Amar Das, Nanak III. Guru Tegh Bahadur, Nanak IX, passed through the city on his way to the eastern parts in 1665-66. Guru Gobind Singh, the last of the Gurus, also visited Agra when he met Emperor Bahadur Shah in 1707-08.
ALPHABET (GURMUKHI) Punjabi alphabet is known as Gurmukhi. Since its characters were used for writing and transcribing the biography and hymns of Guru Nanak, it was given this name by the second Sikh Guru, Guru An gad Dev. It is a misnomer to call the Guru as the inventor of its characters, because before the advent of Guru Nanak, their usage had been prevalent according to in a tablet found at A thur in Ludhiana district. Even Guru Nanak himself based one of his poems entitled \'patti\' on its characters. This Alphabet is also called \'Paint is Akhri\' because it contains thirty-five letters.