SRI GURU GRANTH PRAYAY, a glossary of the Guru Granth Sahib, is an anonymous and undated manuscript preserved in the Khalsa College at Amritsar under catalogue No. 1473. It comprises 147 folios, 24 cms x 16 cms, with 21 lines to a page, and is possibly a late eighteenth century or early nineteenth century work. Although the word prayay would signify /1 a glossary or lexicon, this work is not a | dictionary in the strict sense of the term, for it | lacks the alphabetical order and attempts | neither etymology nor uncovering varying shades of meanings of the words. Words chosen for explanation are in fact listed in the order in which they occur in the text.
TWARIKH GURU KHALSA, a voluminous prose narrative delineating the history of the Sikhs from their origin to the time when they lost the Punjab to the British. The author, Giani Gian Sihgh (1822-1921), claimed descent from the brother of Bhai Mani Singh, the martyr, who was a contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh. The work is divided into five parts : Janam Sakhi Dasari Guruari, Shamsher Khalsa. Raj Khalsa, Sardar Khalsa, and Panth Khalsa. In the first part the author presents biographies of the Ten Gurus and sketches the evolution of the community culminating in the emergence of the Khalsa.