ABCHAL NAGAR, more correctly spelt Abichalnagar (abichal, lit. firmly fixed, unshakably rooted), i.e. City Everlasting, is the name Sikh tradition lias given Nanded, a district town in Maharashtra. The place is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who passed away here on 7 October 1708. The shrine honouring his memory is treated as a takht, seat constituting decisive religious authority for the Sikhs, and is named Takht Sachkhand Sri Hazur Sahib, Abchalnagar. The name was probably suggested by a Scriptural line abichal nagaru~gobind guru ka namu japat sukhu paia ram (rooted steadfast stands the City of the Master Lord where solace is attained by repeating the Name (GGS,pg 783), usually interpreted as referring to the City of Amritsar founded by Guru Ram Das, Nanak IV.
AKAL, lit. timeless, immortal, non temporal, is a term integral to Sikh tradition and philosophy. It is extensively used in the Dasam Granth hymns by Guru Gobind Singh, who titled one of his poetic compositions Akal Ustati, i.e. In Praise (ustati) of the Timeless One (akal). However, the concept of Akal is not peculiar to the Dasam Granth. It goes back to the very origins of the Sikh faith. Guru Nanak used the term in the Mul Mantra, the fundamental creedal statement in the Japu, the first composition in the Guru Granth Sahib.
AMAR SIDDHU, village 13 km southeast of Lahore along the LahoreKasur road, is sacred to Guru Hargobind (1595-1644),...