
BHANA, BHAI, of Sultanpur Lodhi, now in Kapurthala district of the Punjab, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He once travelled with the sangat of his town to Amritsar and received the Guru`s blessing. SeeAKUL, BHAI, and BHIKHA, BHATT

BHATTVAHIS, scrolls or records maintained by Bhatts, hereditary bards and genealogists. According to Nesfield as quoted in W. Crooke, The Tribes and Castes of the North Western India, 1896, Bhatts are an "offshoot from those secularised Brahmans who frequented the courts of princes and the camps of warriors, recited their praises in public, and kept records of their genealogies." These bards constantly attended upon or visited their patron families reciting panegyrics to them and receiving customary rewards.

BHULLA, BHAI, and Bhai Kulla, both Jhanjhi Sunars, accompanied by Bhagirath, a Soini Khatri, presented themselves before Guru Arjan and begged to be instructed in the pious way. The Guru told them, always to act like gurmukhs, and not like manmukhs. The Guru, according to Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, explained: "Gurmukhs are those who, turning their back on ego, heed the Guru`s word, who do not forget a good turn done to them but always forget anything done by themselves for the good of others. Still excelling gurmukhs are those who, having given up all ego, are good to others habitually, unmindful of how the others treat them.

BIR GURU, by Rabindranath Tagore, is a life sketch in Bengali of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708), the last of the Ten Gurus of the Sikh faith, emphasizing especially how he had prepared Sikhs to stand up to oppression and injustice. This is Tagore`s first writing on Guru Gobind Singh published in 1885 in the Sraban July-August issue of the Balak. The poet was then in his early twenties. Though no reference is made in the text to any earlier work on the Sikhs, Tagore (1861-1941) seems to have been familiar with the writings of Malcolm (Sketch of the Sikhs), McGregor (History of the Sikhs) and Cunningham (A History of the Sikhs).

BUDDH SINGH. BHAI (1903-1921), son of Bhai Surjan Singh and Mat Ganga Kaur was born on 4 January 1903 at village Kartarpur in Sialkot district. The family descended on the paternal side from Bhai Alam Singh Nachana, a prominent Sikh in Guru Gobind Singh`s retinue. Young Buddh Singh shared his elders` religious fervour and also received formal education up to the middle school standard. At the age of 15, he accompanied his parents on a pilgrimage to Sachkhand Sri Hazur Sahib, Nanded, where he received the vows of the Khalsa and donned a Nihang`s uniform. He organized a kirtanijatha (choir) and began preaching the Guru`s teachings.

BAOLI SAHIB GURUDWARA ,This Gurudwara is situated in the famous busy market of Dabbi Bazaar in the centre of Lahore city. One side of this Gurudwara adjoins Dabbi Bazaar, the second is adjacent to Laha Bazaar, the third opens on Kesera Bazaar and the fourth borders to stay there. The Guru got a baoli built there.In A.D. 1599, when Guru Arjan Dev, the redeeemer of the mankind came to Lahore, Bhai Chhajju Bhagat came along with a pathan to pay his respect to the Guru and put a bag full of 282 mohars at the feet of the Guru, requesting him to utalise the same for religious works.

BRAHMA Brahma bom in the navel lotus of Vishnu was called the son of Lotus. (Kama M. 4, p. 1309) Brahma manifested the hymns of the Veda but extended the attachment of maya. (Wadhans M. 3, p. 559) Only the maya of three modes came out from the mouth of Brahma. (Maru M. l, p. 1038) Brahma was called great god, but could not know the Limits of Lord-God. (Var Malar M. l, p. 1279) Brahma did not realise that he was puffed up with ego. When he was in trouble because of (the theft of) Vedas, he repented.

CHANDIA, BHAI, a Dhir Khatri, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He rendered dedicated service during the digging of the sacred pool and the construction of Harimandar at Amritsar. His name is included among the Guru\'s devotees in Bhai Mani Singh, Sijchari di Bhagat Mala. See BULA DHIR, BHAI

CHHAJJU, BHAI, a Bhalla Khatri of Sultanpur Lodhi, whose name figures in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 21, and who had embraced the Guru`s precept at the hands of Guru Amar Das. He once visited Amritsar with the sarig`at of Sultanpur and received instruction from Guru Arjan. See AKUL, BHAI, and BHIKHA, BHATT

CHAKKI SAHIB GURUDWARA, EMINABAD Janamsakhis also mention Guru Nanak Dev\'s being made a prisoner at the hands of Babar\'s men. He was made to grind corn with a hand-driven millstone (chakki in Punjabi), but his captors were surprised to see that the millstone revolved by itself while the prisoner only poured grist into it. When the miracle was reported to Babar, he himself came the Guru, and after talking to him he set free not only the but all other prisoners too, many of whom became the Guru\'s followers.


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The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.