KARKHE PATSHAH DASVEN KE. The term "karkhe" is the plural from of`karkha" which is the name of a poetic form, mostly used in war poetry in old Hindi. The Karkhe Pats hah Dasven Ke consists of two such poems, desciribng the battles of Guru Gobind Singh. The poet goes by the name of Sain, who is identified by some as Sainapati, a contemporary of the Guru and the celebrated author of Sri Gur Sobhd.The battle of Bharigam is the subject of the first Karkha; the second deals with the battle of the Fort of Fatehgarh at Anandpur.
MAGHI, Makara Sankranti, the first day of the month of Magh when, according to the Zodiac, the sun enters the house of Capricorn. It is observed in India as a winter solstice festival. The eve of Maghi is the common Indian festival of Lohri when bonfires are lit in Hindu homes to greet the birth of sons in the families and alms are distributed. In the morning, people go out for an earlyhour dip in nearby tanks. For Sikhs, Maghi means primarily the festival at Muktsar, a district town of the Punjab, in commemoration of the heroic fight of the Chali Mukte, lit.