JAGIASI, also Jagiasu orJijnasu is a religious sect cognate with the UdasT section of the NanakpanthTs of Sindh. The word jagidsd is derived from Sanskrit jijndsd (desire to know), jagidsi denoting one desirous of knowledge, of spiritual insight. T`.ic members of the Jagiasi sect are mostly sahajdhdns i.e. gradualists, believing in the Gurus and following generally the Sikh tenets but not yet sworn as full members of the community. There arc however some who accept the rites of Khalsa initiation and wear long hair while some others add the suffix `Singh` to their names. Following the example of the founder of the sect, Baba Sri Chand, the elder son of Guru Nanak, the Udasts do not marry.
JAND SAHIB, GURDWARA, dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh, is situated within the revenue limits of Virevala Kalari village, 25 km west of Faridkot (30°40`N, 74°45`E) in the Punjab. This is believed to be the place where, according to Mdlvd Desk Ratan di Sdkhi Potht, Guru Gobind Singh, during his travels through the Malva country, rested awhile in the forest under a ber tree. The name Jand Sahib was given it later, probably because of the abundance of jand trees (Prosopis spicigera) in the forest.
JANAMASTHAN BEBE NANAKI, GURUDWARA at Dera Chahal Distt Lahore The village called Dera Chahal is in the jurisdiction of P.S. Burki of district Lahore. This village is at a distance of 35 km from Lahore while going to Ghawindi. There is a shrine of Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Ji in this village and Gurdwara is also called Janamasthan Baybay (Mother) Nanaki. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited this village many a time because his maternal grand parents were from this village. It was here that Bebe Nanaki , the elder sister of the Guru, was born in Samvat 1524.
KHURSHUID KHALSA (Khurshid, lit, tlie sun rays of tlie sun) is a book in Urdu pertaining to the history of the Sikhs from the time of Guru Nanak published at Aftabi Hind Press in Lahore in 1885. The book caused a considerable amount of controversy in contemporary Sikhism. Already riven into two factions, the Amritsar and Lahore groups, the antagonism between the two one espousing the cause of Maharaja Duleep Singh, the deposed sovereign of the Punjab, and the other openly hostile to him sharpened. Members of the Kuka sect were the principal supporters of the Maharaja.