BABHIKHAN (VIBHISHANA) (The Gurmukh) Rama killed the egoist Ravana, the knowledge given by the Guru was like the secrets told by Vibhishana. (Ramkali M. l, Siddh Goshta, p. 942) The Lord bestowed kingship on Babhikhan (Vibhishana) for a long time. (Maru Namdev, p.105) Vibhishana was the younger brother of
HANUMAN (HANWANTAR) Though Hanuman burnt the citadel of Lanka, uprooted the garden of Ravana, brought the wound-healing herb for Lakshmana and pleased Sri Rama, yet due to his previous karmas (actions), he could not get rid of his loin-cloth. (Dhanasan Trilochan, p. 695) Within his mind Ram Chand (Sri
The Lord destroyed Jarasandha and Kalayavana; The Lord also killed Raktavija and Kala-Nem (Kala-Nemi). (Gaurt M. l, p. 224) Kalanemi was the uncle of the demon-king Ravana of Lanka. When Hanuman proceeded towards Himalayas in search of the medicinal herb for reviving Lakshmana, Ravana wanted him to be killed.