ADI SAKHIAN (adi = first; sakhian, plural of sakhi = anecdotes, stories, discourses, parables) is one of the early compilations but not the first of the extant janam sakhi traditions to evolve. The manuscript, dated 1758 Bk/ AD 1701, and copied by Shambhu Nath Brahman was first located by Dr
JANAM SAKHI derives its name from the number attached to the manuscript in the catalogue of the India Office Library, London (MS. Panj B40). It consists of a unique collection of sakhis or anecdotes concerning the life of Guru Nanak, and, although it sliares common sources with the Puratan and
NANAK SURAJODE JANAM SAKHI, by Ganesha Singh Bedi, is an account in verse of the life of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh faith. The metaphor of the rising sun (surajode=surya/suraj meaning sun and udaya/ ude meaning rising) in the title has been used for Guru Nanak whose birth as
JANAM SAKHI SRI GUR NANAKU SAH KI by Sant Das Chhibbar is a versified biography of Guru Nanak (1469-1539), founder of the Sikh faith, based primarily on Janam Sakhi Bhai Raid. A manuscript copy of the work is preserved in the Central Public Library, Patiala, under MS. No. 2737. This
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