PHERU MALL, BABA (d. 1526), father of Guru Arigad, was the third son of Bhai Gchnu Mall, a Trchan Khairi of Marigoval village in the present Gujrat district of Pakistan. He was born in his ancestral village, but was brought up in the family of his mother`s parents, who lived
TUR, village 9 km southwest of Khadur Sahib (31"26`N, 75`6`E) in Amritsar district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Patshahi Dusari, dedicated to Guru Ahgad (1506-52) who, according to local tradition, first came here from Khadur Sahib at the insistence of local peasants misguided by an ascetic. From
ANGAD DEV, GURU, (1504-1552), the second of the ten Gurus or prophet teachers of the Sikh faith was born Lahina on Baisakh vadi 1, Sammat 1561 Bikrami, corresponding with 31 March 1504. His father, Bhai Pheru, was a Trehan Khatri and a trader of humble means, whose ancestral home was
BHIRAI, MAI, spelt by some chroniclers also as Bharai and Virai, who belonged to Matte di Sarai, the birthplace of Guru Arigad (1504-52), was married to Bhai Mahima, a Khahira Jatt of Khadur (Sahib) in Amritsar district of the Punjab. She was like a sister to Bhai Pheru Mall, the
DASU, BABA (b. 1524), eldest son of Guru Arigad and Mata Khivi, was born on 9 Bhadon 1581 Bk / 7 August 1524 at Khadur Sahib in present day Amritsar district of the Punjab. He was ambitious to succeed his father in the spiritual line, but the latter, as records
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