PISHACHAS There are millions of Jakhyas (Yakshas), Kinnaras and Pisachas (Pishachas). (Gauri Sukhmani M. 5, p. 276) Pishachas are friends and evil spirits. Vedas consider them lower than Rakshasas. They hare ill-natured spiteful and mischievous beings. It is said that they were created by Brahma alongwith other demons. They
ANN DEVATA (Personification of corn or food grain as god) Corn-god, water-god, fire-god, salt and ghee was put the fifth. (Var Asa M. l, p. 473) See : Pani Devata
ISA, ISARA, ISHARA (ISHWARA) Isara (Ishara) Brahma and goddess sing Thy Praises, O Lord !... (Japu, p. 6) I am a sacrince to my Lord Isa (Ishara). (Maru Solhe M. 5, p. 1072) Isa Mahesur (Shiva) serves the Lord, but does not know His Limits. (Var Malar M. l,
RUKMAGADA Remembrance of the Name of the Lord was a constant function of Rukamagad..... (Swayye Mahle Teeje Ke, p. 1394) Rukmagada was a king, who always meditated on the Name of the Lord. (See Narada Purana, chapters 9 to 38).
BADDHIKA The Chandala Valmiki and the poor hunter (Baddhika) attained salvation. (Maru M. 5, p. 999) The actual name of the hunter (Baddhika) is mentioned as Jara (which means allegorically old age). He mistook the foot of Krishna as part of a deer, who was lying down in the
JADAVA (YADAVA) By cutting joke with Durbasa, Jadavas obtained the fruit (punishment). (Dhanasari Namdev, p. 693) Yadavas are the descendants of Yadu, the eldest son of Yayati and Devayani. They were mainly cowherds. When Krishna was bom, they seem to have settled in the neighbourhood of Mathura on the
RAKTAVIJA The Lord destroyed Jarasandha and Kalayavana. The Lord also killed Raktavija (Raktabija) and Kalanemi. (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Raktavija was a demon killed by Durga or Chandi. It is said about this Asura that each drop of his blood, as it fell on the ground produced a