ARJUNA In whose house, there are Arjuna, an aide-de-camp, Dhru, Prahlada, Ambrika, Narada, Nejai, Siddhas, Buddhas along with ninety-two sporting Ganas and Gandharvas. (Malar Namdev. p. 1292) Arjuna was the son of Kunti by god Indra. He was highly skilled in the use of bow, which he learnt under
KUBJA Ganika, deformed Kubja and the sinner Ajamila were emancipated. (Gauri Cheti Namdev, p. 345) Kubja was a deformed young female servant of Kansa. She met Krishna and Balarama on the highway of Mathura, carrying a pot of perfumed ointment. Krishna sportively asked her about the contents of the
BADDHIKA The Chandala Valmiki and the poor hunter (Baddhika) attained salvation. (Maru M. 5, p. 999) The actual name of the hunter (Baddhika) is mentioned as Jara (which means allegorically old age). He mistook the foot of Krishna as part of a deer, who was lying down in the
KRISHNA The One Krishna is the Chief among gods, the soul of their godliness. If one comprehends the secret, this soul is God Himself... (Var Asa, M. 2, p. 469) (The false Gurus) Sing of Gopis and Krishna, Sita and Rama, but not the Fearless and True Transcendental Lord
BALABHADRA (BALARAMA) Hari Himself likes the service of the Guru, Krishna and Balabhadra meditate at the feet of the Guru. (Gauri Guareri M. 4, p. 165) Balabhadra is another name of Balarama, the elder brother or Krishna. He is known as the incarnation of the white hair of Brahma.
KANSA Kansa, Kesi and Chandura were not equalled by anyone; They did not comprehend the Lord, therefore they were dishonoured. (Gauri M. l, p. 225) Kansa was the son of king Ugrasena of Mathura, whom he deposed and usurped his throne with the help of his father-in-law Jarasandha, the
BINDRABANA (VRINDAVANA) The alluring and bewitching Krishna grazes his cows in Vrindavana. (Gauri Kabir, p. 338) Krishna brought Parijata (wish-fulfilling tree) from heaven for his Gopi and was engaged in love in Vrindavana. (Var Asa M. l, p. 470) Vrindavana is a vana (forest) in the district of Matbura,
Jarasandha and Kalajamuna (Kalayavana) were killed. (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Kalayavana was the king of \'Faaras\' and a great friend of Jarasandha. He \'wanted to conquer Mathura, for which he performed penance and received a boon from Shiva that none of the Yadavas would be able to kili
CHANDRAVALI In the period of Yajur Veda, the Gopi named Chandravali was enticed by Kanha (Krishna) of the Jadava race, who brought Parijata (the wish-fulfilling tree) for her (from heaven) and passed his days in Vrindavana in merriment and enjoyment. (Var Asa M. l, p. 470) It was at
KALI (KALIYA) (My Lord) gave new life to Kali. (Gond Namdev, p. 874) The Lord who has created the beings and controls their movements. It cannot be a great feat for Him, if as Krishna He subdued and surmounted Kali. (Asa M. l, p. 350) Kali or Kaliya was
CHANDURA (CHANURA) Kansa, Kesi and Chandur were not equalled by anyone. They did not comprehend the Lord, therefore they were dishonoured. (Gauri M. l, p. 225) The Beloved Lord creates a child-like Krishna and through him kills Chandura, Kansa and Kesi. (Sorath M. 4, p. 606) He was a
Amrit (ambrosia), Sassi (moon), Dhena (wish-fulfilling cow), Lakshmi, Kalpataru (wish-fulfilling tree), Sikhira (the horse) and Sunagar (Dhanwantara) all came out from the ocean, the lord of the rivers, but because of its past actions,it still remains saltish. (Dhanasari Trtlochan, p. 695) Kalpataru is also called Parijata. It was produced