VAR BHERE Kl PATSHAHl 10 is an anonymous poem in Punjabi describing the battle of Anandpur, Guru Gobind Singh`s engagement with the pursuing host after he had evacuated Anandpur, and finally die battle of Chamkaur. The view has been expressed that dlis Varis the original version of another poem entitled Bhera Guru Gobind Singh Ka or Bhera Patshahl Dasviri Da. Both these vars deal with the same events, have a similarity of style and have lines, even stanzas, which are common to both. Yet a closer examination reveals that these are two different compositions and one of the poets has evidently borrowed extensively from the work of the other.
VAR SAT ("Seven Days of the Week"), title shared by two of the compositions in the Guru Granth SahibKabir`s in measure Gauri and Guru Amar Das` in measure Bilaval. The one by Guru Amar Das is entitled Var Sat, while that by Kabir has a variation in the form of Var Kabir Jiu Ke 7. Kabir`s poem comprises eight stanzas, each of four lines, besides a verse of rahau (pause), which constitutes the refrain, adjuring man to sing God`s praises. Guru Amar Das` Var Sat contains ten stanzas, each of six lines, besides the rahau after stanza 1.