Siharfian Hari Singh Nalva, by Misr Hari Chand who adopted the pen-name of Qadar Yar celebrating an earlier poet of this name, is a poem in Punjabi, Gurmukhi script, describing the valorous deeds of Hari Singh Nalva (1793-1837), an army general of the Sikh times. Inspired by the elder Qadar Yar\'s Siharfi Sarddr Hari Singh Nalva, the poem was first published in 1924 by Lala Manohar Das Dua at Manohar Press, Sargodha, under the title Hari Singh Nalva va Jahg Penhawar Mabain Sikhan vd Afghanah ba \'ahid Maharaja Ran/it Singh ji Maharaja.
KAFI (Arabic Qafi), literally stands for the leader, the enlightener, one who fulfils the need. In poetics it denotes the refrain in a song or hymn, and is also the title given to a poetic form in Arabic as well as in Indian literature. Guru Nanak was the first to use this poetic form in Punjabi literature, and this he was followed by several Sufi poets and others. Kafi has also been called a ragim and a metre (tatank), though opinion differs on this count.In the Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, Kafis have not been collected under any one raga; they occur under ragas Asa, Tilang, Suhi and Maru.