AHMAD YAR KHAN TIWANA (d. 1829), second son of Khan Muhammad Khan, the Tiwana chief of Mittha Tiwana, in Shahpur district, measured swords with Sikhs more than once during Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s time. Ahmad Yar Khan revolted against his father and, having succeeded in attracting most of the tribe to his side, compelled him to surrender the chief ship to him. In 1817, Maharaja Ranjit Singh dispatched troops under the command of Misr Divan Chand against the Tiwana chief at Nurpur Tiwana. The fort was conquered and Ahmad Yar Khan ran away to Jhandavala, situated in the Mankera territory.
ARMY OF MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH, a formidable military machine that helped the Maharaja carve out an extensive kingdom and maintain it amid hostile and ambitious neighbours, was itself the creation of his own genius. His inheritance was but a scanty force which, in the manner of the Sikh misldari days, comprised almost solely horsemen, without any regular training or organization. Everyone brought his own horse and whatever weapon he could afford or acquire. What held these troopers together was their personal loyalty to the leader. The. tactics followed were those of the guerilla warfare.
GORDON (d. 1837), often miscalled Canon, an Anglo Indian, entered the service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1820 as an infantry instructor on a salary of Rs 500 per month. Later, he was put in command of a battalion of artillery. In July 1822, his battalion received approbation from Allard and Ventura and was ultimately incorporated in the FaujiKhas. Gordon was now charged with raising a new cavalry regiment to be called Akal Regiment.