VENTURA, JEAN BAPTISTE (1792-1858), a general in the Sikh army, was an Italian by birth who had served in Napoleon`s army as a colonel of infantry and had taken part in the battle of Wagram (1809), in the Russian campaign (1812) and in the battle of Waterloo (1815). After the defeat of Napoleon, he left France and wandering through Persia and Afghanistan, reached Lahore in 1822 in company with Jean Francis Allard, whom he had met in Teheran. Ventura was given employment by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and enstrusted with the task of organizing Sikh infantry on European lines.
AMIR ULIMLA, also known as MUNTAKHAB ULHAQA`IQ, a collection of miscellaneous letters, in Persian script, mostly of Sikh chiefs of the Punjab addressed to one another on subjects relating to private and public affairs. Compiled by Amir Chand in A.H. 1209 (ADi 794-95), the manuscript comprises 127 folios and 247 letters and is preserved in the Oriental section of the British Library, London. On folio 125 of the manuscript is recorded a note referring to one Imanullah as its owner, implying that this is perhaps not the original copy prepared by Amir Chand.
COURT AND CAMP OF RUNJEET SING, THE, by W.G. Osborne, military secretary to Lord Auckland, Governor General of India (1836-42), first published in 1840 in London, is a journal recording events in the Punjab of the period from 19 May to 13 July 1838 and the author`s personal impressions. The author visited Lahore First as a member of Sir William H. Macnaghten`s mission in May 1838, and then in December of the same year with the Governor General during his meeting with Maharaja Ranjit Singh at Firozpur. The journal is preceded by an introduction about the origin and rise of the Sikh people and is followed by a few letters of the author to the Maharaja and one from the Maharaja to the author.
EVENTS AT THE COURT OF RANJIT SINGH, 1810-1817, edited by H.L.O. Garrett and G.I.. Ghopra, is a rendition in English of Persian newsletters comprising 193 loose sheets and forming only a small part of a large collection preserved in the Alienation Office, Pune. This material was brought to the notice of the editors by Dr Muhammad Nazim, an officer of the Archaeological Survey of India. Events at the Court, of Ranjit Singh was first published in 1935 by the Punjab Government Records Office, Lahore, as their monograph No. 17, and reprinted, in 1970, by the Languages Department, Punjab, Patiala. The newsletters, entitled "Akhbar Deorhi Sardar Ranjit Singh Bahadur" cover the period from 1 November 1810 to 8 August 1817, with a sprinkling of a few supplementary ones written up to 2 September 1817 from Shahpur, Multan, Amritsar and Rawalpindi.
GURUMUKHI DIN PATRI, lit. a calendar or daily diary (patn) in Gurmukhi characters, is a manuscript reporting some of the events of Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s reign from AD 1805 onwards. The author is one Ram Singh, perhaps a resident of Amritsar, for he narrates events occurring at Amritsar in greater detail than those at other places. A photo copy of this manuscript, the original of which was at the Panjab University, Lahore, is preserved in the Khalsa College, Amritsar, under MS. No 1796. It contains 51 folios, i.e. 102 pages, each page comprising 14 lines.