NANO, BHAI, an Ohri Khatri, was a devoted Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time. He once visited Amritsar and had the privilege of receiving instruction from the Guru himself. The Guru, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, explained to him the importance of the Harimandar as a
SAMUNDA, BHAI, a seeker of truth, once waited upon Guru Arjan and begged to know how a bemukh was distinguished from a sanamukh. The Guru, according to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, spoke thus "Sanamukh is one who, following the Guru`s precept, rises early to make ablutions,
TOTA MAHITA, BHAI, a devoted Sikh contemporary of Guru Arjan and of Guru Hargobind. During latter`s time, he, along with Bhai Tiloka, came to be known as a soldier, adept in handling musket, sword and javelin. Bhai Tota Mahita and Bhai Tiloka fell fighting in the battle of Amritsar
ALAM CHAND HANDA, a Sikh of Guru Arjan\'s time. As says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, Alam Chand, along with Bhai Murari Anand, Bhai Kaliana, Bhai Nanori, Bhai Latkan of Bindrao clan, and Bhai Saisaru Talvar, once came to the Guru and spoke with folded hands, "0
BHANU, BHAI, a Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time, earned the sobriquet of Bhagat (devotee) for his piety and devotion. Guru Arjan appointed him to preach Guru Nanak`s word at Muzang, in Lahore. By his kirtan and exposition of the holy texts, Bhai Bhanu, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan
CHAU, BHAI, a Bammi Khatri and a resident of Sultanpur Lodhi, embraced Sikhism during the time of Guru Amar Das. He was one of the sangat who, according to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, went to see Guru Arjan at Amritsar and received the holy precept. See
GOLA, BHAI, a Kukk Jatt, was initiated into Sikhism by Guru Arjan. The Guru taught him to devote himself to the remembrance of God. See GOIND KUKK, BHAI
NAU, BHAI, a Sahigal Khatri, was a pious Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. His name is included in the roster of the Guru`s devotees in Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid.
SASTRA NAM MALA PURAN is a versified composition, included in the Dasam Granth. It is acknowledged to be the work of Guru Gobind Singh. The poem lists weapons of war, which are praised as protectors and deliverers. It runs to 1318 verses and covers 98 pages in the Dasam
TOTA, BHAI, received initiation at the hands of Guru Arjan. He was trained in the martial art in the time of Guru Hargobind and became a skilled swordsman. He laid down his life in the battle of Amritsar in 1629. His name is included in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI.
AMARU, BHAI, a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Amar Das. He lived at the village of Dalla, in present day Kapurthala district of the Punjab, and was initiated a Sikh at the hands of Guru Amar Das. See RAMU BHAI
BHANU BHAI, a Bahil Khatri of Rajmahal in the present Santhal Parganah of Bihar, was a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Hargobind. According to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, Bhai Bhanu once asked Guru Hargobind, "0 true king! Different religious books prescribe different paths to