GIRANTH is the title of the religious book of the Divana sect. The authorship of the book is...
JAPUPARAMARATH, by Bhai Ram Kishan, is an unpublished manuscript of the exegesis of Guru Nanak`s Japu. The only manuscript copy is available at Ace. No. 612 in the Dashmesh Library, Anandpur the other two in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, and the Khalsa College Library, Patiala, having since been destroyed or lost. The exegcte was a known Sevapanthi saint, and he completed the work, as per the internal evidence in Amritsar manuscript, on Maghar sudi 2, 1853 Bk/22 November 1796: the date given in the Anandpur manuscript (Jeth sudi 6,1856 Bk/27 May 1799) is obviously the one when the scribe copied it.
BHAG SINGH CHANDRA UDAYA, an undated manuscript preserved in the Punjab State Archives, Patiala, under accession No. M/773, deals with the life and achievements of Sardar Bhag Singh Ahluvalia (1745-1801), who succeeded Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluvalia as ruler of Kapurthala state in 1783. Its author, Ram Sukh Rao, was tutor to Bhag Singh`s son and successor, Fateh Singh Ahluvalia (1784-1836). The latter, after his accession in 1801, commissioned Ram Sukh Rao to write biographies of Sardar Jassa Singh and Sardar Bhag Singh. Bhag Singh Chandra Udaya, a biography of the latter, comprises 188 folios, size 22 x 16 cm, each page containing 16 lines.
NANAK VIJAI, more properly known as Sn Guru Nanak Vijai, in manuscript, is a narration in verse of the events of Guru Nanak`s life. During his journeys across the country and outside, Guru Nanak met a variety of people whom he won over by his gentle and persuasive manner. This explains the title of the work Ndnak Vijai, which literally means "Victory of Nanak." The author, Sant Ren, originally from Kashmir, had settled down in the Punjab towards the end of his life. He was born in AD 1741 at Srinagar in a Gaur Brahman family.