MADHO, son of Ballu, was according to Bhatt Vahi Multani Sindhi, a devoted Sikh of the time of...
MATHRA SINGH, son of Bhai Dial Das, was according to Sarup Singh Kaushish, Guru kidn Sdkhidn, a warrior...
MUL CHAND, son of Raghupat Rai Nijjhar. As the Guru`s nominee resident of Khem Karan in the present...
SUHELA, BHAI, a Rajput warrior in the retinue of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), fell a martyr in what is...
UDA, BHAl (d. 1688), a Sikh of the Rathaur Rajput clan, was among those who had witnessed Guru Tegh Bahadur`s execution at Delhi. He returned in distress to Dilvali Mohalla where Sikhs from the neighbourhood assembled in the house of Bhai Nanu, the calico printer, to consider how they could recover the Guru`s body and cremate it. They decided to seek assistance from Bhai Lakkhi Shah, an affluent trader and a Sikh by faith.
KIRPA RAM, PANDIT or Kripa Ram (d. 1705), was the son of Bhai Aru Ram, a Sarasvat Brahman of Matan, 65 km east of Srinagar, in Kashmir. Aru Ram had met Guru Har Rai and sought his blessing at the time of the latter`s visit to Kashmir in 1660. In May 1675, Kirpa Ram led to Anandpur a group of Kashmir! Pandits driven to dire straits by Slate persecution. Iftikhar Khan, governor of Kashmir (1671-75), was a harsh man and was making forcible conversions to Islam. Guru Tegh Bahadur whose help the visitors sought asked them to go and have it communicated to the Emperor that, if he (Guru Tcgh Bahadur) was converted, they would all voluntarily accept conversion.