LAHINA SINGH, SARDAR (d.1893) a military commander during Sikh rule in the Punjab, came of a Sohi Khatri family of Gharjakh, a village adjacent to the town of Gujranwala (now in Pakistan). His grandfather, Panjab Singh, was a trooper in the regiment of Sardar Fateh Singh Kalianvala, a general
MAHAN SINGH (d. 1844), son of Data Ram, came to Lahore from Jammu at a very early age to seek his fortune in the Sikh capital. Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who was struck by his skill and courage on a hunting expedition when Mahan Singh unassisted had killed a leopard
NIDHAN SINGH PANJHATTHA (d. 1839), soldier, minor commander and jdgirddr under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He acquired the epithet Parijhattha, the "five handed," for his gallantry in the battle of Ten hill (1823). He singlehanded made five Pathans prisoners and captured their weapons. This act of valour earned him the
PANJAB SINGH NALVA (d. 1854), son of the famous Sikh general, Hari Singh Nalva, served in the army under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors. He received a sum of Rs 5,400 towards his patrimony after the death of his father. He also served under Maharaja Kharak Singh, and