SHIV RAM (b. 1418), grandfather of Guru Nanak, was the son of Ram Narain, a Bedi Khatri. He and his wife, Banarasi, lived in a village called Patthevind, now the site of Gurdwara Dera Sahib, 10 km east of Naushahra Pannuan in present day Amritsar district of the Punjab. Two sons, Kalu and Lalu, were born to them the former in 1440 and the latter in 1444. The elder, Baba Kalu, variously mentioned by chroniclers as Mahita Kalu, Kalian Rai, Kalu Rai, Kalu Chand or Kalian Chand, was the father of Guru Nanak.
SUKKHAN, a Khatri resident of the village of Dhamial, near Rawalpindi, now in Pakistan, was a worshipper of...
UDASI, an ascetical sect of the Sikhs founded by Sri Chand (1494-1629), the elder son of Guru Nanak. Udasi is derived from the Sanskrit word udasin, i.e. one who is indifferent to or disregardful of worldly attachments, a stoic, or a mendicant. In Sikh tradition, the term iidasi has also been used for each of the four preaching tours of Guru Nanak ; in this sense, udasi meant a prolonged absence from home. Some scholars, including many Udasis, trace the origin of the sect back to the Puranic age, but, historically speaking, Sri Chand was the founder.
CHITTAGONG (22° 21`N, 91° 50`E), a major port town of Bangladesh, situated on the right bank of Karnaphuli River, 20 km from its mouth, has a historic Sikh shrine, called Gurdwara Sikh Temple, dedicated to Guru Nanak, who is believed to have stayed here briefly in 1507-08. Local tradition connects this Gurdwara with the story of the conversion by Guru Nanak of Bhai Jhanda Badhi, Raja Sudhar Sen and his nephew, Indra Sen. The story occurs briefly in the B40 Janamsakhi and at some length in the Bala Janam Sakhi. Gurdwara Sikh Temple is situated in the middle of Chowk Bazar. An old well adjoining it is still in use.
GURBANSAVAU, by Saundha (variously Saundha Singh), is a chronology in verse of the Gurus and of their families. The author, a contemporary and for some time an employee of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was a Sandhu Jattofthe Lahore district. His father was Chaudhari Hem Raj, and his elder brother, Hira Singh, was the founder of the Nakal family. Among his other works are Amrit Mahimd, Gur Ustati, Parsang Pdlshdhi Dasvm and Hdlimndmd, besides several independent poems. The Gurbansdvali which is more a good piece of literature than a document of historical information starts with homage to the Gurus.