SAPTAHIK PATH, a path, i.e. reading of the entire Guru Granth Sahib, which is completed in a saptah (week). Any individual, man or woman, or a group of persons by the relay method may perform this path which is commenced seven days ahead of the coming occasion, ceremoney or
AKHAND PATH (akhand = uninterrupted, without break; path = reading) is nonstop, continuous recital of the Guru Granth Sahib from beginning to end. Such a recital must be completed within 48 hours. The entire Holy Volume, 1430 large pages, is read through in a continuous ceremony. This reading must
ATI AKHAND PATH (ati = extreme, arduous, of superlative degree; akhand = nonstop, without a break; path = reading of the Holy Volume) means an unbroken path of the Guru Granth Sahib by a single reader in one continuous sitting without once getting up or interrupting the reading in
AKHAND PATH: Aakhand Path is nonstop recitation of Guru Granth Sahib. It is completed in approximately 48 hours. Several readers perform this recitation in a relay system. The reading goes, in a relay manner, continuously, day and night. At given intervals (usually two hours per turn) the next reciter