GAURI KI VAR, by Guru Ram Das, is one of his seven vars in a total of twenty-two in the Guru Granth Sahib. As the title indicates, the Vdr is cast in the Gauri musical measure a rdga commonly sung in the evening. In Sikh Scripture, Gaun is the
GUJARI KI VAR, a composition in the form of folk balladry or a vdr, by Guru Arjan included in the Guru Granth Sahib under Gujari rdga, one of the thirty-one musical measures into which hymns in the Scripture are cast. The poem comprises twenty-one pauns or stanzas, with two
MARU VAR, Guru Arjan`s composition in the Maru musical measure in the Guru Granth Sahib. Traditionally, Maru which gives the Vdr its title is elegiac verse and is commonly sung in the afternoon. This measure has a martial undertone as well. The singing of Maru rdga with devotion annuls
PAURIAN GURU GOBIND SINGH KIAN is a poetic composition in Punjabi, in praise of Guru Gobind Singh, with a brief description of the battle of Bharigani (1688). Pauri is the name given to each stanza of a vdr (ballad), paundn being the plural form. The text totally consists of
SARANG Kl VAR, in the Guru Granth Sahib, is of the composition of Guru Ram Das. It is set to be sung in Sarang raga and hence the tide Sarang ki Var. Nine of the 22 vars included in the Guru Granth Sahib are composed in the musical mode
VAR MAJH KI, by Guru Nanak occurs in the musical measure Majh, in the Guru Granth Sahib. The word majh, in Punjabi, means in the middle or midway, and the raga which goes by this name was a folk tune of Majha, the central country of die Punjab, which