AKHBARAT-I-SINGHAN, also known as Twarikhi Sikkhan, is a diary of the day today events of the period from 1895 Bk/AD 1839 to 1903 Bk/AD 1847 based on official reports which General Avitabile (q.v.), military governor of Peshawar during Sikh times, received from various districts under his jurisdiction. It is written
SHIROMANI KHALSA DlWAN, NORTHWEST FRONTIER PROVINCE, a sociopolitical organization of the Sikhs of the frontier province (now in Pakistan), was founded in the 1920`s by Sardar Jagat Singh Narag of Peshawar, a businessman, later a member of the provincial legislative assembly. The Sikh population of the North-West Frontier Province was
Siharfian Hari Singh Nalva, by Misr Hari Chand who adopted the pen-name of Qadar Yar celebrating an earlier poet of this name, is a poem in Punjabi, Gurmukhi script, describing the valorous deeds of Hari Singh Nalva (1793-1837), an army general of the Sikh times. Inspired by the elder Qadar
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