KAHN SINGH BHIKKHIVINDIA, from his native village Bhikkhivind, in present day Amritsar district of the Punjab. He was with Bhai Maharaj Singh during the second AngloSikh war. After the war he, like Bhai Maharaj Singh, escaped to theJammu hills. He played an important role in establishing con tact with
PARIKHAT (PARIKSHIT, PARICHHAT) Sukhadeva, Parikhyata (Parikshit) and the sage Gautama sing the Praises of Guru Nanak Dev..... (Swayye Mahle Pahle Ke, p. 1390) Parikhat (Parikshit) was the son of Abhimanyu by his wife Uttara. He was the grandson of Arjuna. Even before his birth, he was killed in the
GANDHARVA Millions of Gandharvas hail Thee, O Lord! (Bhairo Kabir, p. 1163) In whose house there are Ganas (attendants of gods), Gandharvas, sages and where helpless musicians sing..... (Malar Namdev, p. 1292) A Gandharva is half-man, half-bird. Gandharvas are celestial minstrels. Vishnu Purana states that they were bom from