MACHHA (MATSYA)(fish incarnation) Machh (Matsya or flsh incarnation), and Kachh (Kurama or tortoise incarnation)incarnated under the Will of the Lord. (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) A tora (Machh).....was redeemed in the company of the saint (Guru). (Malar M. 5, p. 1269) It is said that the object of this
SHUKRA The king Bali was proud of his wealth. He was puffed up greatly by performing Yajnas (sacrifices). By not consulting his Guru (Shukra), he went to the nether-regions (Patala). (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Shukra or Venus is one of the planets. Mythologically Shukra was the son of