CHAKKI SAHIB GURUDWARA, EMINABAD Janamsakhis also mention Guru Nanak Dev\'s being made a prisoner at the hands of Babar\'s men. He was made to grind corn with a hand-driven millstone (chakki in Punjabi), but his captors were surprised to see that the millstone revolved by itself while the prisoner
KARAM NARAIN (b. 1817), the third son of Diwan Savan Mall, a Khatri of Chopra caste, served the Lahore Darbar in different capacities. His grandfather, Hoshnak Rai, was in the service of Sardar Dal Singh of Akalgarh and his father was governor of Multan. Karam Narain acted as the
AMAR PAD or amarapad, also called parampada (highest step), tunapada or turiavastha, is the stage of deathlessness or immortality. In the Guru Granth Sahib the term has been used for the highest stage of spiritual enlightenment which is also the highest state of self realization, equivalent of Godrealization. This is