PRAVRTTIMARGA : NIVRTTIMARGA. In ancient religious texts four madrsas or paths or roads to life are demarcated: the path of action for personal gratification, leading to sensuous pleasures (cf. J5GXVI. 16); (ii) the path of action in the form of observance of religious rituals, with a view to reaping the
RENUNCIATION means the giving up of the style of living dominated by worldly ambition and craving and discarding the love of possessions for the sake of achieving the ultimate goal of religious life. The theistic traditions hold that when one is united with God, all else loses its significance. In
VAIRAG, usually bairagor sometimes virag`in Punjabi, is derived from Sanskrit vairagya meaning "change or loss of colour, growing pale ; disgust, aversion, distaste for or loathing of ; freedom from all worldly desire, indifference to worldly objects or to life ; asceticism," or analysed as vi (prefix denoting disunion, separation,
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