
Explore the legacy of Rai Ram Dial, key vakil at Firozpur, known for his dispatches on significant Sikh kingdom events, including Lord Auckland's meeting.

BEDAVA, lit. disclaimer (be=without + dava = claim). The term came to be used by Sikh chroniclers in reference to an episode Kelating to the last days of Guru Gobind Singh *s battle at Anandpur during the winter of 1705. As, in consequence of the protracted siege of Anandpur, hardships of the besieged Sikh garrison increased, a few of the Sikhs wavered in their resolution and asked the Guru`s permission to leave the Fort.

DALIP SINGH, SANT (1883-1948), son of Ishar Singh and Har Kaur, was born in 1883 at the village ofLahri, in Hoshiarpur district. He was hardly five years old, when his father died. He was brought up by his maternal grandfather, Nihal Singh, at his village Dumeli. He received his early education from a local Sikh priest, who also trained him in the singing of gurbani. Dalip Singh was a child with peculiar traits.

DASAUNDHA SINGH, a Dhillon Jatt of Jhabal in Amritsar district, was half brother of the celebrated Baghel Singh, leader of the Karorsinghia misl. He crossed the Beas in 1759, and seized some villages in the Jalandhar Doab. The family retained possession of these under Maharaja Ranjit Singh, supplying in return a contingent of 26 horsemen.

Explore the intriguing life of Narendra Singh Sandhanvalia, tied by heritage to Maharaja Duleep Singh, and his historical journey from Pondicherry to Meerut.

4 years Ago

Explore the deeper meaning of Aarti in Hinduism and Sikhism, where true worship goes beyond rituals and embraces the beauty of nature and truth.

4 years Ago

Explore the profound concept of Aatma and its connection to Paramaatma, God, and the transcendental self in Sikh and Hindu philosophies.


Explore the distinctive and largely unknown Sikh architectural style, with its rich history in gurdwaras, forts, and palaces, by S.S. Bhatti.


Discover the captivating history and architecture of Samman Burj, the octagonal Mughal marvel in Lahore Fort, known for its royal and administrative legacy.

The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.