MAGHI, Makara Sankranti, the first day of the month of Magh when, according to the Zodiac, the sun enters the house of Capricorn. It is observed in India as a winter solstice festival. The eve of Maghi is the common Indian festival of Lohri when bonfires are lit in Hindu homes to greet the birth of sons in the families and alms are distributed. In the morning, people go out for an earlyhour dip in nearby tanks. For Sikhs, Maghi means primarily the festival at Muktsar, a district town of the Punjab, in commemoration of the heroic fight of the Chali Mukte, lit.
NAND SINGH. BHAI (1888-1921), one of the Nankana Sahib martyrs, was born on 15 Savan 1945 Bk/29July 1888, the son of Bhai Bhagvan Singh and Mai Nihal Kaur of Thothian village in Amritsar district. He learnt Urdu at school. After the death of his father in 1902, he as the eldest male member of the family had to engage in farming until his three younger brothers grew up to undertake the responsibility. He then joined the army, trained as a unit signaller and served during the First Great War (1914-18).
OFFER OF SIKH STATE RECALLED BY MAHARAJA YADAVINDER SINGH. It was raining heavily and my garden was enveloped in mist. We were having the First real monsoon downpour of the season. The beautiful dahlias, some of them 10 inches or more in diameter, were sadly drooping. The gladioli were not looking too happy, either. This was all too much for them.
SAHIB SINGH, BHAI (1665-1705), one of the Pahj Piare or the Five Beloved of revered memory in the Sikh tradition, was born the son of Bhai Guru Narayana, a barber of Bidar in Karnataka, and his wife Ankamma. Bidar had been visited by Guru Nanak early in the sixteenth century and a Sikh shrine had been established there in his honour. Sahib Chand, as Sahib Singh was called before he underwent the rites of the Khalsa, travelled to Anandpur at the young age of 16, and attached himself permanently to Guru Gobind Singh. He won a name for himself as marksman and in one of the battles at Anandpur he shot dead the Glyjar chief Jamatulla.
SHAHID GANJ BHAI MANI SINGH, LAHORE The place where Bhai Mani Singh was martyred is situated inside the Masti Gate which is behind the Lahore Fort. Bhai Mani Singh was born in a pious and dedicated Gursikh faimly which was devoted to the Gurus. Bhai Mani Singh had the rare privilege to be a child mate of Guru Gobind Singh. Bhai Sahib had also the honour to scribe the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib in the presence of Saheb-i-Kamal Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.