ALAHUNI,(mournful song by women) When a person dies. women cry and often sing songs in chorus in praise Of the deceased. There is a lot of pessimism in, such songs. Generally professional women used to lead in the singing of mourning songs. Guru Nanak used this form of poetry
AJAMILA This name occurs singly and with others in several verses of the Sikh Scripture. Where it occurs singly, there is pointed reference to his life-incident, e.g. At the time of his death, Ajamila grew conscious of Narayan (God); he attained in an instant that state, which the great
GAYA The visits to Ganga, Gaya and Godavari are only worldly works. (Basant Namdev, p. 1196) He goes to Gaya and offers rice-balls. (Gond Namdev, p. 873) It is one of the seven sacred puris (places of religious merit) of Hindus. It is a famous pilgrim station not only