MUKANDA, BHAI, a talented musician, was initiated into Sikhism by Guru Arjan. He daily recited kirtan at the morning and evening divans attended by the Guru himself. His name has been included by Bhai Gurdas in his Varan, XI. 18
PAMMU, BHAI, a Puri Khatri, was a devoted Sikh contemporary of Guru Hargobind. He won repute as a soldier in battles that took place during the Guru`s time. His name occurs in Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid. Also see Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 29.
SAID BEG (d. 1703), a Mughal general, in company with another general, Alif Khan, was marching at the head of an army on his way from Lahore to Delhi when the Rajput hill rulers led by Raja Ajmer Chand of Bilaspur persuaded him to join them in an attack
SANTOKH SINGH, BHAI (1893-1927), a Ghadr leader, was born in Singapore in 1893, where his father, Javala Singh, of the village of Dhardeo (Amritsar district), was employed as a gunner in the army. Santokh Singh had his early education in a school in Singapore and learnt Punjabi (Gumukhi script)
BAHILOL, BHAI, a resident of Qadivind, a village near Kasur, now in Pakistan, was a devotee of Guru Amar Das. Once the Guru visited Qadivind at his request and, pleased at his devotion, promised him any boon he might ask of him. Bhai Bahilol spoke humbly : "Nothing is
DEVI DAS was, according to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth, a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), trained in martial skills. He took part in the battle of Amritsar (1629) in which the Sikhs worsted the attacking Mughal force led by Mukhlis Khan,
GURNE KALAN, village 8 km south of Lahira (29°56`N, 75°48`E) in Sangrur district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Tegh Bahadur who, according to Bhal Santokh Singh, Sn GurPratap Suraj Granth, stayed here for three days while on his way from Talvandl Sabo to Dhamtan. A small gurdwara
JETHA, BHAL See Guru Ram Das JETHA, BHAI, a Sikh of the time of Guru Ram Das. He received initiations and instruction at the hands of the Guru himself. JETHA, BHAI, a Sikh of the time of Guru Ram Das. He received initiations and instruction at the hands of
KIRTI KISAN SABHA, a sabha, i.e. society or party, of the kirtis (workers) and kisans (peasants), fostered and, to some extent, funded by the Ghadr Party, was established on 12 April 1928 with a view to organizing small agriculturists and industrial workers and other lowpaid urban labour, for revolutionary
MULA was, according to a tradition recorded by Bhai Santokh Singh, Sn Gur Ndnak Prakash, a resident of Sialkot who became a devotee of Guru Nanak. As Guru Nanak once visited the city, he sent Mardana to purchase one pice worth of truth and one pice worth of falsehood.