KALU, BHAI, named in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 13, among Guru Nanak`s leading Sikhs. He received instruction at the Guru`s hands and became a devoted disciple. He, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagal Maid, led several others into the holy path.
MADDU, BHAI, a carpenter by trade, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. According to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Partap Suraj Granth, Bhai Maddu lived up to the time of Guru Hargobind and remained in attendance on him. He revelled in serving in the Guru
NANU, a Pandit of Kurukshetra proud of his learning, came to Guru Nanak, then visiting the town, to engage him in a religious debate. But according to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratdp Suraj Granth, in the presence of the Guru, he learnt to be humble. He took instruction
SANTOKH DAS, an Udasi sant belonging to the Sangat Sahib Ke subsect, is remembered for the construction of the hansli, a water channel taken off the Shahi Nahar, an irrigation canal, for the regular supply of water for the sacred tanks in Amritsar. This feat he accomplished in collaboration
TODA MAHITA, BHAI, a Mahita Khatri, was a pious Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. His name is included in the roster of the Guru`s devotees in Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala. He was one of those who performed dedicated service and received instruction at the time
DUGAR DAS, BHAI, Sarin Khatri of Takiar clan, received instruction from Guru Ram, Das and became a devoted Sikh. "Takiar the virtuous" is how Bhai Gurdas describes him in his Varan, XI. 17. See DHARAM DAS, BHAI
JAGSI, BHAI, a resident of Fatchpur, was a devoted Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time. He, as says Bhai Man! Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, once proposed to the Guru the names of a few living saints whose compositions, he submitted, might be considered for inclusion in the Holy Book
KAMAL, BHAT, was, according to Bhat Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratdp Suraj Granth, a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Nanak. He kept the Guru company at Kanarpur during his last years, and earned merit by his humility and devotion.
NARAIN DAS, BHAI, a prominent Sikh of the time of Guru Angad, listed in Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Maid. See, also, Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 15. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Mani Singh, Bhai, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala. Amritsar, 1955 2. Santokh Singh, Bhai, Sri Gur Partap Suraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-35
RAM DATT, a Brahman resident of Kurukshetra, who became a devotee of Guru Gobind Singh during the latter\'s visit to the town on the occasion of the solar eclipse in 1702. According to tradition preserved in Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Crur Praldp Suraj Granth, while other Brahmans sought alms