MACHHA (MATSYA)(fish incarnation) Machh (Matsya or flsh incarnation), and Kachh (Kurama or tortoise incarnation)incarnated under the Will of the Lord. (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) A tora (Machh).....was redeemed in the company of the saint (Guru). (Malar M. 5, p. 1269) It is said that the object of this
GAJA (KUNCHARA) When the Gaja (elephant) took refuge in the Merciful Lord, he was released from the clutches of the crocodile. (Sorath M. 9, p. 632) The king of elephants meditated on Thee, O Lord! and he was liberated. (Basant M. 5, p. 1192) Ajamala, Pingala, Lubhata and Kunchara