
Explore the illustrious life of Ram Singh, a key figure in Sikh history, known for his service under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and significant military contributions.


BHOG (which by literal etymology, from Sanskrit, signifies "pleasure," "delight") is the name used in the Sikh tradition for the group of observances which accompany, the reading of the concluding parts of Scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib. This conclusion may be reached as part of the normal and routine reading in the daytoday lectionary of a major centre of worship with a staff of readers. But in the mind of the community the word is very deeply associated with a complete, end to end, reading of the Holy Book without interruption which is called akhand path. This usually takes two twenty four hour days of nonstop reading by a relay of readers.

GOIND KUKK, BHAI, and Bhai Gola and Bhai Mohan, also Kukk Jatts, sought refuge at the feet of Guru Arjan and asked to be instructed in the path of righteousness and liberation. The Guru gave them twofold advice: "Repeat the Name of God and remember death. By remembering death, you will desist from committing sin, and by repeating God`s Name the effect of your past sins will be erased." Bhai Goind and his two companions became Sikhs and, according to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sn Gur Pratdp Sura] Granth, ever remained in the service of the Guru.

Explore the legacy of Mali Singh, who left Wazir Khan's service to join Banda Singh Bahadur, playing a key role in his campaigns until his execution in Delhi.

THOMAS, JACOB, son of the celebrated 18th century adventurer and soldier of fortune, George Thomas, an Irish sailor who had carved out a small kingdom for himself in the wastelands of Haryana. Jacob Thomas was in the service of Begam Samru before he joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s army in 1838. In the Sikh army he was given command of Najib regiment, composed of Punjabi Muslims. In 1843, he was removed from the service by the army pan chayats. He left Lahore for Sardhana in present day Uttar Pradesh.

BIHANGAM, from Sanskrit vihang which means a bird, is a term applied to wandering ascetics who lead a life of complete detachment. A Biharigam is a celebate who lives in poverty renouncing all worldly ties and follows the path of holiness. In the Hindu tradition, he, abjuring religious dogma, worships Siva, Rama and other incarnations. Bihangams, among Sikhs, are likewise holy men who do not marry and who shun worldly ambition and temptation. The object of their devotion is the One Supreme Being.

GORDON (d. 1837), often miscalled Canon, an Anglo Indian, entered the service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1820 as an infantry instructor on a salary of Rs 500 per month. Later, he was put in command of a battalion of artillery. In July 1822, his battalion received approbation from Allard and Ventura and was ultimately incorporated in the FaujiKhas. Gordon was now charged with raising a new cavalry regiment to be called Akal Regiment.

Discover the legacy of Martindale, an Anglo-Indian officer in Sikh infantry. Son of General Martindale, he also served in Skinner's Horse.

VIESKENAWITCH, a Russian adventurer, who, after several years of brigandage, escaped to Persia and took up service under Shah Abbas Mirza. He had attained the rank of colonel when he resigned and travelling through Central Asia, reached Peshawar in January 1829. Here he was employed by Pir Muhammad Khan Barakzai to train his artillery. In March 1830, he came to Lahore and entered Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s service as a battalion commander, under Gulab Singh, then serving in Hazara and Kashmir. In April 1835, he resigned and proceeded to Gwalior.

BISHAN SINGH, SANT (d. 1973), holy saint most of whose life was spent in works of seva, raising of buildings by labour volunteered by devotees, at different shrine sites, came of a well to do Sindhi family. Nothing is known about his early life except that his parents were Sahajdhari Sikhs and that he was in government service when he came in 1940 to the Punjab on a pilgrimage visiting Sikh places of worship and saw Sant Gurmukh Singh of Patiala, then engaged in massive works of seva reconstructing the shrines and sacred pools at Khadur Sahib and Goindval. Bishan Singh was so impressed by the piousness, humility and devotion of Sant Gurmukh Singh and of the large number of Sikhs volunteering their labour that he resigned his post in the government, gave away his personal belongings and joined the holy company.

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Explore the profound concept of Aatma and its connection to Paramaatma, God, and the transcendental self in Sikh and Hindu philosophies.


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Discover the captivating history and architecture of Samman Burj, the octagonal Mughal marvel in Lahore Fort, known for its royal and administrative legacy.

The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.