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BRAHMADIKA - The Hindu Triad Brahma etc. and Sanaka etc. want to meet the Lord and also the Yogis, celibates and adepts. (Gauri Bairagan M. 5, p. 203) Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva contemplate about the Lord, but they are bound by three modes and are far from salvation. (Mani M. 3, p. 1049) Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have extended the three modes. (Var Marit Dakhne M. 5, p. 1094) Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are diseased by the maya of three modes and work in ego. (Suhi M. 4, p. 735) The Triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is lost in the illusion of three modes.
UMA (UMAPATI) (Ahalya) the wife of sage Gautama, and the husband of Uma i.e. Shiva—the latter got stuck the fifth head of Brahma in his hand and the former was the cause of one thousand marks of disgrace on the body of Indra. (jaitsri, Ravidas, p. 710) Uma is one of the names of the consort of Shiva. The other prominent names are Devi, Durga, Kali, Parvati and Bhavani. The earliest mention of Uma is in Kena Upanishad. The word Umapati means the husband of Uma, which connotes Shiva. See : Shiva, Parbati, Durga, Bhavani, Kali.
CHANDA, CHANDRAMA (CHANDRA, SOMA) (Chandra) abides in the forehead of Shiva and bathes in the Ganges; though in his dynasty (Lunar) came Krishna, the incarnation of Vishnu (who has a bow in his hand), but still the blemish due to his past action (of acting as an accomplice of Indra in the seduction of Ahalya and abduction of Tara, the wife of Brahaspati) in not effaced. (Dhanasari Trilochan, p. 695) The sun and moon (Chanda) work under the Fear of the Lord; they traverse millions of miles and there is no end to their movement. (Var Asa M. l, p. 464) In the Puranas, the moon is generally called Chanda or Soma. He came out from the milk-ocean, as a jewel when it was churned by gods and demons. Shiva took the moon as it emerged from the ocean.
DURGA Millions of Durgas massage the Lord. (Bhairo Kabir, p. 1162) Durga is the consort of Shiva. An account of her origin is found in \'Durga Saptshati\' in Markandeya Purana. Mahishasura, the king of demons, at one time conquered the haughty gods in war. They went to Brahma and men to Shiva. But they could not help them. Then they went to Vishnu, who got enraged on seeing their pitiable plight.
GANGA Jaharnavi (Jahnavi) or Ganges was brought (to earth) by Bhagiratha..... (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) If the wine is made from the waters of Sursuri (Ganges), the saintly persons do not drink it; if the impure wine or any other water, mixes with Sursuri, it becomes the Sursuri itself. (Malar Ravidas, p. 1293) If the stream merged in Ganga (Ganges), it became Ganga itself. (Bhairo Kabir, p. 1158) Ganga is said to be the daughter of Himavat, the king of mountains and given to gods by him. Sagara the king of Ayodhya and stxty thousand sons by one of his \'wives. When he was performing the horse-sacrifice, the horse \'was stolen. He ordered his sons to go in search for the same.
HANUMAN (HANWANTAR) Though Hanuman burnt the citadel of Lanka, uprooted the garden of Ravana, brought the wound-healing herb for Lakshmana and pleased Sri Rama, yet due to his previous karmas (actions), he could not get rid of his loin-cloth. (Dhanasan Trilochan, p. 695) Within his mind Ram Chand (Sri Rama) mourned for Sita and Lakshmana. He remembered Hanwantar (Hanuman), who came to meet him. (Shalok Varan te Vadhik M. l, p. 1412) It is said mat Hanuman\'s actual father was god Shiva. When Shiva and Parvati played in the forest, disguised as elephants, Ganesha was bom to them.
ISA, ISARA, ISHARA (ISHWARA) Isara (Ishara) Brahma and goddess sing Thy Praises, O Lord !... (Japu, p. 6) I am a sacrince to my Lord Isa (Ishara). (Maru Solhe M. 5, p. 1072) Isa Mahesur (Shiva) serves the Lord, but does not know His Limits. (Var Malar M. l, p. 1279) Isara (Ishara, Ishwara) and Brahma serve the Lord, but they could not know His Limits. (Var Gujri M. 3, p. 516) The words Isa and Isara are tadbhavas from Sanskrit Ishwara, \'which mean \'The Lord\', but they are also titles given to Shiva, when they appear with the name of any other god.
KEDARA Ganga, Yamuna, Vrindavana and Kedara, Kasi, Mathura, Dwarka Puri, Sangam and Stxty-eight pilgrim-stations—all these places are there within Thy Form. (Maru M. l, p. 1022) .....Shiva in the form of a buffalo established Kedara. (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) There are twelve great Lingas (Phallus) of Shiva and Kedara is one of them. Kedara is also called Kedaresa or Kedara-natha. It is an important temple of the Hindus in the Himalayas, wherein there is an image of Shiva with the head of a buffalo. It is said that having been defeated by Pandavas, Shiva assumed here the form of a buffalo. Therefore he is called Mahishaaee.
Whose Praises are sung by Brahma (Birancha) alongwith the hymns of the Vedas and for whom Shiva (the ascetic) holds fast on the Kahlasa (Kailasa) mountain and does not leave it... (Swayye Mahle Chauthe Ke, p. 1404) Kailasa is a mountain situated like Meru to the north of Himalayas. The beautiful Manasarovar lake lies towards its south. Shiva\'s paradise (Shivapuri) is said to be a Mount Kailasa. Kuvera\'s abode is also there. It is also called Ganaparvata.
Jarasandha and Kalajamuna (Kalayavana) were killed. (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Kalayavana was the king of \'Faaras\' and a great friend of Jarasandha. He \'wanted to conquer Mathura, for which he performed penance and received a boon from Shiva that none of the Yadavas would be able to kili him. Coming to know about the protection given by Shiva to Kalayavana, Sri Kristina, somewhat dejected, shifted to Dwarka from Mathura. Another incident also occurred at this juncture.