TUR, village 9 km southwest of Khadur Sahib (31"26`N, 75`6`E) in Amritsar district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Patshahi Dusari, dedicated to Guru Ahgad (1506-52) who, according to local tradition, first came here from Khadur Sahib at the insistence of local peasants misguided by an ascetic. From here the Guru went on to Khan Chhapri.
HEM KUNT SAHIB, GURDWARA SRI, lit. Receptacle of Ice, situated in the Himalayas at a height of about 15,210 feet above sea level and located in Chamoli district of Uttar Pradesh, is dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh in his autobiographical work, Bachitra Ndtak, has said that before his birth he had been meditating on the Maha Kal (God) at a place which he described as "Hemkunt Parvat adorned with seven peaks where earlier the king Panduraj (a character in the epic Mahdbhdratd) had practised austerities."
BATHU, village in Una district of Himachal Pradesh and 15 km west of Nangal along the Nangal Garhshankar road, has a historical shrine, Gurdwara Gurplah Patshahi Dasmi, commemorating the visit of Guru Gobind Singh in 1700. Guru Gobind Singh arrived here from Bibhaur and reposed for some time under a plah tree (Butia fondosa) and, according to local tradition, held a discourse with Guru Nanak`s direct descendant, Baba Kaladhari, then living at Una.