GURUSAR SATLANI, GURDWARA, 1.5 km south of the railway station named after it, is within the revenue limits of Hoshiarnagar village in Amritsar district of the Punjab. The shrine marks the spot where Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), travelling from Lahore to Amritsar, made a night`s halt near a pond. According to
PAONTA SAHIB (30° 25`N, 77° 35`E). a town on the right bank of the River Yamuna in Sirmur district of Himachal Pradesh, was founded by Guru Gobind Singh in November 1685. The land was an offering from Raja Mcdini Prakash of Nahan. Guru Gobind Singh stayed here for about three
DARBAR, a Perisan word meaning "a house, dwelling; court, area; court or levee of a prince; audience chamber," is commonly used in Punjabi to signify a royal, princely or any high ranking officer`s court (as distinguished from courts of justice) where dignitaries granted audience to the common people, listened to
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