CHATTHIAN DI VAR is a Punjabi ballad describing the battle between Mahan Singh, father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and Ghulam Muhammad Chattha, a Muslim chieftain of the Chattha clan of the Jatts. The poet is some Pir Muhammad, whose name appears in some verses of the poem. The Var was first published in Persian script by Qazi Fazal Haq, a teacher at Government College, Lahore. According to his statement, Pir Muhammad, the poet, was a resident of Gujrat district, and he composed this ballad in the early years of the British occupation of the Punjab.
ENGAL SECRET AND POLITICAL CONSULTATIONS (1800-1834), a manuscript series of Indian records at the India Office Library, London. This series contains, in full, correspondence and despatches on the early British relations with the Sikhs.