MURRAY, Dr, a British physician attached to 4th Native Infantry, who was in 1836 sent from Ludhiana to Lahore by the British for Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s treatment after he had suffered a stroke of paralysis. During his 8 months` stay in Lahore, Murray found it difficult to persuade the Maharaja to accept his treatment. Nevertheless, his despatches from Lahore to the Ludhiana Political Agency provide interesting information about the Maharaja, his government and his nobles.
NARALI, village in Gujjarkhan subdivision of the Rawalpindi district in Pakistan, had a historical Sikh shrine, Gurdwara Patshahi VI, commemorating the visit of Guru Hargobind who briefly halted here during his journey towards Kashmir in 1619. The Guru`s purpose was to meet in this village an old Sikh, Bhai Harbans, popularly known as Harbans Tapa, i.e. Harbans the Ascetic. The Gurdwara, which had within its compound Harbans` samadh or tomb, had to be abandoned as a sequel to the partition of the Punjab in 1947 causing a two way migration of population.
SAN GRAND, sankranti in Sanskrit, is the first day of each month of the Indian solar calendar, based on the shifting of the sun from one house (rasi) to another. From quite early in human history, the sun, and its satellites, the planets, came to be regarded as objects endowed with celestial mind, a definite personality and the capability of influencing the destinies of human beings. They became the deities whose favourable intervention was sought by men in their affairs.